Monday, June 29, 2009

June 2009 activities

Grandpa shares his ice cream with Kaia
Pretty good stuff...
One bite is not enough...
What has he started?
We think she is hooked...
City Gramdpa & Grandma traveled to Spokane to
see their girls--Jen, Stef & Kaia (and a little Hoopfest!)
Kaia loves her new pool
Quality time...cute Kaia and reading books with Auntie Stef

Lots of giggles!
One more, please?
Gracie gets a little too close to Kaia's book
She is serious about reading and chewing on her board books.
Kaia loves her books
Kaia tries to get Gracie's attention with new noises.
Kaia and Auntie Stef meet Gracie
Grandpa Mick and Gracie
Kaia rocking out on her piano with Auntie D
Kaia, Jen and Tim at Maria's Retirement Dinner

Grandma D with Kaia and Cousin Maile
Dawn with her new little buddie...Gracie May!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kaia visits the farm, 6-5-09

A bath in the kitchen sink...just like her mom at that age!
Chloe hanging out with Kaia and Jen.
Kaia just loves her puppy dog...
Poor Kaia suffered with pink eye before a visit to the medical clinic in Colfax.
A little misery before eye drops.
Tim and Kirk worked all day Saturday at chopping down the tree out side my kitchen window.
Team work gets the job done.
Dad shares a little vanilla ice cream with Kaia and
she decides she wants MORE!
Hanging out with Great Gram CJ...
and sharing smiles!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy times...

Kaia poses for the camera with her new headband
from Auntie Stef 5-31-09

Adventures in Las Vegas with Stef--included a visit to the

new M Resort down the street from

her apartment in Henderson.

The M has an awesome pool and outdoor stage area

with a view of the Strip and

mountains in the background.

The M is GORGEOUS...the lobby, spa and wine cellar!

Incredible sunset from Stef's apartment.

Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in the District at Green Valley.

Shopping, Star Trek movie, and slushies at Towne Center.

She needed some color in her apartment,

so Stef painted her dining room wall this great rich rust color.The peace and quiet at her apartment with a view of the Strip...

We celebrated our 30th anniversary at the Palazzo

with an breathtaking view and relaxing

meal on the patio at the Del Toro Restaurant.

Kaia wasn't feeling good the day

that Grandpa and Grandma babysat.

She had a bad G-I virus and lost about 11 oz.

( May 22--Kirk's birthday!)

Dinner and baseball with our buddies Barb and Sid.

Cougars beat the Huskies to make it to tournament play.

That's Jack D and Walt G near the front.